Chain Link Kennel Kit Assembly Instructions

Separate and compare all Parts A through K. If you purchased a kit with a cover, set aside Parts L-O for use in construction of your kennel cover.
TOOLS: #2 Phillips screwdriver + Pliers.
Choosing your kennel location is very important to the well being and safety of your pet-companion. The site should be flat and clear of foreign objects and should be protected from sun and other weather elements that may be harmful to your pet.
You will note that the pre-assembled gate is pre-hung on the gate stand (Part A) and is constructed to allow the upper and lower end rails (Part E) to slide through receiver tubes at the top and bottom of the gate stand. To accomplish this, simply loosen the set screws on the receiver tubes and lay the gate frame with chainlink mesh side down flat on the ground. Slide the end rails through the receiver tubes.
Attach corner stand with no rod clips (Part C) to opposite end of end rails and tighten set screws. The CL61598 Kennel can be assembled in a 5' wide x 15' long or a 10' wide x 10' long size. If the 5' wide x 15' long design is chosen use two center stands (Part F) on two sides of you kennel. If the 10' wide x 10' long design is chosen use one center stand (Part F) on each side.
Now you are ready to install the bottom two side rails (Part G) into the bottom receiver tubes of the corner stands just installed and tighten set screws. At this point, carefully stand the entire gate side of kennel upright and install the top two side rails into
the top receiver tubes and tighten set screws.
If you have purchased a 5' long kennel, you will now install the remaining two corner stands (Part C) and remaining two upper and lower end rails (Part F). If you have purchased a 10' or 15' long kennel, you must continue to install the side rails using the center stands (Part F) until you have completed the full length of your kennel. Now install your remaining two corner stands and two remaining upper and lower end rails as first outlined in this section.
For ease of shipping the compact roll of chainlink mesh is folded versus rolled. The recommended handling of this mesh
is to unfold it onto a flat surface checking along the top and bottom for pickets that may have come unhooked from each other or that need to be twisted back into place. After checking, roll the chainlink back up in the manor you would roll up a carpet. This will insure ease of handling when proceeding with the final installation steps. Stand roll of chainlink next to the corner stand with rod clips (Part E) and insert a round tension rod (Part H) into end of mesh and hook the rod into the rod clips as shown in Figure 2.
Unroll chainlink mesh around the outside of the kennel frame. Pulling mesh tight at each center and/or corner stand, use a steel wire tie (Part I) to secure the top and bottom of the mesh to the top and bottom rail so the mesh will not slide back and become loose.
Once you have completely unrolled the chainlink mesh around the entire kennel frame, you will install the final round tension rod into the rod clips on the hinge side of the gate. Hint! The chainlink mesh is pre-cut to easily fit the kennel size however the exact mesh length is not always possible. Therefore, one or more chainlink pickets may need to be removed to insure proper tension on the mesh. If pickets need to be removed, straighten out as many pickets as necessary at top and bottom and twist out the picket until proper length is achieved (Figure 3).
Install the lockable fork latch (Part B) on the latch side of the gate. Tighten bolts until latch is firmly attached to gate frame. Pull the gate frame toward the corner stand until the proper distance between corner stand and gate frame is achieved (approximately 2" gap). Make sure latch opens and closes easily. Tighten the final set of screws on the gate stand (Part A).
Using the remaining steel tie wires (Part I), begin tying the mesh securely to all top and bottom rails (Figure 4). Make sure the tail end of the tie wire is always pointing outside the frame to insure your pet does not come in contact with it. The bottom tie wires should be approximately 12" apart and top rail ties approximately 18" apart. If any additional tie wires are left, you can use them at the corner and/or center stands.
If you have purchased a kennel that comes with a cover or an optional Weatherguard Kennel Cover, please skip Step 13 and begin assembly of you kennel cover. Insert stand caps (Part J) into top opening of corner, center stands and gate frame.